#!/bin/bash # sblorgo - simple irc bot # Copyright (C) 2022 jornmann & contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . version="0.1dev" server="irc.libera.chat" chan="#ff" path="$HOME/sblorgo/fifo/${server}/" prefix=":" printf "\n\ '|| '||\`\n\ || || \n\ ('''' ||''|, || .|''|, '||''| .|''|, .|''|,\n\ \`'') || || || || || || || || || ||\n\ \`...' .||..|' .||. \`|..|' .||. \`|..|| \`|..|'\n\ ||\n\ \`..|'\n" printf "version: $version\n\n\ server: $server\n\ channel: $chan\n\ path: $path\n\ prefix: $prefix\n\n" send() { printf "$1\n" >> "${path}${chan}/in" printf "\e[32m[sent]\e[39m $1\n" } nsend() { export message="${message}$1" } echo "/j $chan" >> "${path}/in" && printf "\e[34m[sys]\e[39m joined $chan\n" tail -n 1 -f "${path}${chan}/out" | while read -r line; do cmd=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 3) name=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | tr -d '<>') if [ "$name" = "jorngirl" ]; then if [ "${cmd:0:1}" = "${prefix}" ]; then send "Fuck off." cmd="poop" fi fi if [ "${cmd:0:1}" = "${prefix}" ]; then printf "\e[31m[cmd]\e[39m $name used command $cmd\n" fi case "$cmd" in "${prefix}hey") send "$name: Hello!" ;; "${prefix}coffee") arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-) [ "$arg" = "" ] && send "$name drinks some coffee." || send "$name hands $arg a cup of coffee." ;; "${prefix}tea") arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-) [ "$arg" = "" ] && send "$name drinks some tea." || send "$name hands $arg a cup of tea." ;; "${prefix}fortune") send "$name: $(fortune -s)" ;; "${prefix}uptime") send "$name: $(uptime -p)" ;; "${prefix}about") send "$name: sblorgo ${version}\nwritten by jornmann for #ff\n" ;; "${prefix}rr") if (("$RANDOM % 6 + 1" == "1")); then send "$name: BANG!! You're dead!" echo "/KICK $chan $name" >> "${path}/in" else send "$name: click..." fi ;; "${prefix}coinflip") if (("$RANDOM % 2 + 1" == "1")); then send "$name: Heads." else send "$name: Tails." fi ;; "${prefix}dice") send "$name rolled a $((RANDOM % 6 + 1))." ;; "${prefix}help") send "$name: commands: coffee, tea, fortune, uptime, about, rr, coinflip, dice, uname, time, penis, hey, ping, test, 8ball, grep, help" ;; "${prefix}penis") arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-) length="$(($RANDOM % 16))" [ "$arg" = "" ] && export message="${name}'s penis: c" || export message="${name}: ${arg}'s penis: c" # I know this is a shitty way to do it, but it works. # TODO: Make this not terrible! case "$length" in "1") nsend "=" ;; "2") nsend "==" ;; "3") nsend "===" ;; "4") nsend "====" ;; "5") nsend "=====" ;; "6") nsend "======" ;; "7") nsend "=======" ;; "8") nsend "========" ;; "9") nsend "=========" ;; "10") nsend "==========" ;; "11") nsend "===========" ;; "12") nsend "============" ;; "13") nsend "=============" ;; "14") nsend "==============" ;; "15") nsend "===============" ;; "16") nsend "================" ;; esac [ "$arg" = "CtrlHD" ] && send "CtrlHD's penis: you really think he has one?" || send "${message}3" ;; # "${prefix}search") # arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-) # search=$(curl -s 'http://donut.gq:8080/search?q="${arg}"' | grep '"result-1"' | sed 's/.*aria-labelledby="result-1">// ; s/// ; s/<\/span>// ; s/<\/a>.*//') # send "$name: $search" # ;; "${prefix}uname") send "$name: $(uname -a)" ;; "${prefix}time") send "$name: $(date +%s)" ;; "${prefix}ping") send "$name: Pong!" ;; "${prefix}test") arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-) if [ ! "$arg" = "" ]; then if (("$RANDOM % 2 + 1" == "1")); then send "$name: Checking if $arg... [ OK ]" else send "$name: Checking if $arg... [ FAILED ]" fi else send "$name: You need an argument for this!" fi ;; "${prefix}8ball") case "$(($RANDOM % 19))" in "0") send "$name: It is certain." ;; "1") send "$name: It is decidedly so." ;; "2") send "$name: Without a doubt." ;; "3") send "$name: Yes definitely." ;; "4") send "$name: You may rely on it." ;; "5") send "$name: As I see it, yes." ;; "6") send "$name: Most likely." ;; "7") send "$name: Outlook good." ;; "8") send "$name: Yes." ;; "9") send "$name: Signs point to yes." ;; "10") send "$name: Reply hazy, try again." ;; "11") send "$name: Ask again later." ;; "12") send "$name: Better not tell you now." ;; "13") send "$name: Cannot predict now." ;; "14") send "$name: Concentrate and try again." ;; "15") send "$name: Don't count on it." ;; "16") send "$name: My reply is no." ;; "17") send "$name: My sources say no." ;; "18") send "$name: Outlook not so good." ;; "19") send "$name: Very doubtful." ;; esac ;; "${prefix}grep") arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$line" | cut -d ' ' -f 4-) results=$(cut -b 12- "${path}${chan}/out" | grep -i "${arg}" | tail -n 6 | sed '$d') [ "$results" = "" ] \ && send "$name: no results for '$arg'" \ || send "$name: $results" ;; esac done