# candybar a stupidly simple modular statusbar example output: ``` MPD: Studio Pixel - Gravity | Up: 18h 45m | RAM: 1.1G/15G | User: jornmann@cowfield | Vol: 69% | Kernel: Linux 5.17.1-gentoo-r1 | Load Avg.: 0.01, 0.05, 0.01 | Weather: +2°C | Date: Fri 2022-04-08 12:46 ``` ## usage **candybar** only outputs the text that should be shown on the bar, which makes it useable on different applications. ### usage with dwm add the following to your ~/.xinitrc: ```sh while true; do xsetroot -name "$(candybar)" sleep 2 done & ``` ### usage with tmux add the following to your ~/.tmux.conf: ```tmux set -g status-interval 2 set -g status-right-length 100 set -g status-right "#(candybar)" ``` ### usage with zsh add the following to your ~/.zshrc: ```zsh precmd() { psvar[1]="$(candybar)" } export CSI=$'\e'"[" export PROMPT="${CSI}s${CSI}1;$((LINES-1))r${CSI}$LINES;1f%S%1v%s${CSI}K${CSI}u${PROMPT}" ``` ## troubleshooting 1) It doesn't show the volume percent. + Make sure to un-comment one of these 2 lines from modules.sh ![example](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88589756/162611795-75e8ccdd-e9a9-4994-98ea-dd57e26d1121.png)