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:63 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :0 +ay :63 +bx :140 +by :10 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,20000,1,832.00,32,0,2,1.00,46,0,0,27.00,63,0,63,0,63,140,10,255,0}, +{1,20000,1,918.00,32,0,2,1.00,46,0,0,21.00,63,0,63,0,63,140,10,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/021.pxt b/data/PixTone/021.pxt 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:440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,0,322.00,32,0,2,8.00,37,0,2,0.00,0,0,0,13,63,106,11,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/022.pxt b/data/PixTone/022.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbb30ec --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/022.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :4000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :4.50 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :46 +pitch_offset :102 +volume_model :3 +volume_freq :2.50 +volume_top :47 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 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:0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,22050,0,117.00,63,0,5,2.00,18,0,5,0.00,0,0,63,0,63,64,19,255,0}, +{1,5000,0,28.00,32,0,3,3.00,27,0,5,0.00,0,0,63,0,63,0,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/027.pxt b/data/PixTone/027.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd2a17a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/027.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :10000 +main_model :0 +main_freq :970.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :2 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :35 +pitch_offset :195 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :31.00 +volume_top :31 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 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+cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,20000,1,477.00,40,0,5,93.00,39,0,4,17.00,19,0,0,64,63,128,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/030.pxt b/data/PixTone/030.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2776229 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/030.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :10000 +main_model :2 +main_freq :168.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.50 +pitch_top :29 +pitch_offset :173 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:0 +ax :13 +ay :63 +bx :68 +by :35 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,2,168.00,32,0,0,0.50,29,173,0,0.00,32,0,0,13,63,68,35,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/031.pxt b/data/PixTone/031.pxt new file mode 100644 index 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:32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,0,30.00,32,0,3,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,63,0,0,19,44,111,13,198,9}, +{1,10000,5,2.00,31,0,3,1.00,57,219,0,2.00,32,0,0,19,44,111,13,198,9}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/034.pxt b/data/PixTone/034.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..211e7c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/034.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :4000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :0.40 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq 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:63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,4000,5,0.40,32,0,3,1.00,53,0,0,0.00,63,0,12,19,63,111,21,198,18}, +{1,1000,1,12.00,32,0,2,1.00,63,0,0,0.00,63,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/035.pxt b/data/PixTone/035.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3996296 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/035.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :20000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :6.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :54 +pitch_offset :239 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :35 + +use :1 +size :40000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :4.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :230 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :1 +size :40000 +main_model :1 +main_freq :238.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :14 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :4 +volume_freq :30.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,20000,5,6.00,32,0,3,1.00,54,239,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,35}, +{1,40000,5,4.00,32,0,3,0.00,32,230,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,0}, +{1,40000,1,238.00,32,0,3,1.00,14,0,4,30.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/037.pxt b/data/PixTone/037.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f07e245 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+volume_top :27 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:40 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :38 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :1 +size :44100 +main_model :5 +main_freq :119.00 +main_top :9 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :5 +pitch_freq :2.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:61 +ax :64 +ay :39 +bx :128 +by :60 +cx :255 +cy :28 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + 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+cx :255 +cy :28 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,44100,5,54.00,12,0,5,1.00,32,0,5,1.00,27,0,40,64,63,128,38,255,63}, +{1,44100,5,119.00,9,0,5,2.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,61,64,39,128,60,255,28}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/042.pxt b/data/PixTone/042.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..480bc9c --- /dev/null +++ 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:0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,3000,0,107.00,32,0,4,1.00,15,0,0,0.00,17,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, 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:8.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:0 +ax :11 +ay :63 +bx :34 +by :25 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + 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:255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,2000,5,3.00,16,0,3,2.00,12,0,3,1.00,37,0,0,51,63,132,24,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/047.pxt b/data/PixTone/047.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..391fed4 --- /dev/null +++ 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:32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,5,21.00,21,0,0,5.00,32,178,0,3.00,33,181,63,38,63,104,20,255,0}, +{1,6000,5,1.00,28,0,3,6.00,56,0,0,8.00,32,0,63,57,63,98,20,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/050.pxt b/data/PixTone/050.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37473b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/050.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :6000 +main_model :1 +main_freq :930.00 +main_top :22 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.70 +pitch_top :53 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :7.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :202 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :1 +size :6000 +main_model :1 +main_freq :918.00 +main_top :23 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.70 +pitch_top :53 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :7.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :202 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + 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:202 +cy :31 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,2,200.00,32,0,0,1.00,51,0,1,20.00,31,0,63,64,63,89,30,208,28}, +{1,10000,5,23.00,16,0,0,1.00,58,0,1,17.00,32,0,63,64,63,96,51,202,31}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/052.pxt b/data/PixTone/052.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee8dccb --- /dev/null +++ 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+cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,22050,5,52.00,22,0,5,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,3,23,23,57,10,255,0}, +{1,22050,5,80.00,22,0,5,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,23,23,57,10,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/057.pxt b/data/PixTone/057.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..faadaf2 --- /dev/null +++ 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+cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,400,1,40.00,12,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,43,63,193,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/062.pxt b/data/PixTone/062.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96760d7 --- /dev/null +++ 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:255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,5,20.00,23,0,3,0.70,26,235,5,1.00,9,0,63,38,55,87,32,98,29}, +{1,2000,1,20.00,32,0,3,2.00,63,0,4,1.00,29,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/071.pxt b/data/PixTone/071.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a492fc5 --- /dev/null +++ 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:0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,9050,5,9.00,26,0,0,1.00,32,209,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,132,63,255,0}, +{1,9050,2,43.00,32,0,3,1.00,47,172,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,198,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/103.pxt b/data/PixTone/103.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8aca49 --- /dev/null +++ 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:0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,5000,3,621.00,32,0,2,2.00,22,0,3,6.00,32,0,0,4,63,77,30,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, 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+cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,5,1.00,32,0,4,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,32,128,33,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/108.pxt b/data/PixTone/108.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc91459 --- /dev/null +++ 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:255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,3000,4,18.00,20,0,3,3.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/113.pxt b/data/PixTone/113.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec92cbd --- /dev/null +++ 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+cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,5,118.00,19,0,3,1.00,63,0,0,3.00,32,0,0,19,63,66,41,255,0}, +{1,10000,5,6.00,24,0,3,1.00,32,208,2,8.00,12,0,63,64,63,128,38,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/150.pxt b/data/PixTone/150.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87ea4ed --- /dev/null +++ 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:0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,5000,0,16.00,63,0,3,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,166,35,255,0}, +{1,1000,5,1.00,16,0,0,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,91,28,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/151.pxt b/data/PixTone/151.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1464fd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/151.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :5000 +main_model :0 +main_freq :20.00 +main_top :30 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :44 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :111 +by :19 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :1 +size :10000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :14.00 +main_top :41 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :5 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:32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,1000,5,48.00,30,0,5,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,166,27,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/153.pxt b/data/PixTone/153.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ddce9c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/153.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :10000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :48.00 +main_top :30 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :5 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :43 +bx :166 +by :41 +cx :255 +cy :7 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,10000,5,48.00,30,0,5,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,43,166,41,255,7}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/154.pxt b/data/PixTone/154.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d958f89 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/154.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :4000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :35.00 +main_top :30 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :35.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :53 +ay :21 +bx :166 +by :13 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :1 +size :10000 +main_model :1 +main_freq :63.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :1.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :39 +bx :91 +by :20 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,4000,5,35.00,30,0,3,35.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,53,21,166,13,255,0}, +{1,10000,1,63.00,32,0,3,1.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,39,91,20,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/PixTone/155.pxt b/data/PixTone/155.pxt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ed5184 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/PixTone/155.pxt @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +use :1 +size :4000 +main_model :5 +main_freq :6.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :3 +pitch_freq :2.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :3 +volume_freq :2.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :26 +ay :30 +bx :66 +by :29 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :1 +size :4000 +main_model :0 +main_freq :150.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :3 +volume_freq :2.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :26 +ay :30 +bx :66 +by :29 +cx :255 +cy :0 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +use :0 +size :22050 +main_model :0 +main_freq :440.00 +main_top :32 +main_offset :0 +pitch_model :0 +pitch_freq :0.00 +pitch_top :32 +pitch_offset :0 +volume_model :0 +volume_freq :0.00 +volume_top :32 +volume_offset:0 +initialY:63 +ax :64 +ay :63 +bx :128 +by :63 +cx :255 +cy :63 + +{1,4000,5,6.00,32,0,3,2.00,32,0,3,2.00,32,0,63,26,30,66,29,255,0}, +{1,4000,0,150.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,3,2.00,32,0,63,26,30,66,29,255,0}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, +{0,22050,0,440.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,0,0.00,32,0,63,64,63,128,63,255,63}, diff --git a/data/ b/data/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bc42f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Game data files + +Basically CSE2E extracted/converted files with stuff that we did not need removed. + +While redistribution of game files is allowed (as long as it's not commercial), we're keeping it in separate repo to keep the engine repo as clean as possible. + +© Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya / Studio Pixel diff --git a/data/ScriptSource/ArmsItem.txt b/data/ScriptSource/ArmsItem.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80900d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/ScriptSource/ArmsItem.txt @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +#0000 +